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Never Backwards….Always Moving Forward…
Take Action!
Counseling in Frisco, TX
Will I EVER stop being stressed out?
Two steps forward, two steps back…and that’s on a good day!
The voice in my head tells me it’s hopeless. I’m stressed and unsatisfied.
It’s hard to trust that it well ever get better.
Can I divorce myself?
My relationship sucks. Or maybe I suck in my relationship? Don’t know which.
I just know that things are not going the way I/we planned.
I’m tired of trying.
It’s not too late.
Can I return my kids for a refund?
Love my kids! Feeling guilty because I don’t like them very much. Zero respect.
Is it me or my kid(s)?
Other parents struggle too, but am I struggling more than I should be?
Is my child struggling more than they should be?
It shouldn’t be this hard.
How can I get my kid off this path?
I know my kid is headed down the wrong path.
It’s a constant struggle to have even a simple conversation. We are so both frustrated with each other. The looks I get hurt me… but I know my kid is struggling and hurting too.
I’m running out of options and energy. I’m tired of dealing with them, and I feel bad about it.
It’s exhausting.
Can I protect my child?
I think my teen might be gay.
And I’m fearful of life being more difficult for them.
I’m even afraid for myself as the parent of a gay child.
It’s all too much.
Can I ever be happy again?
Absolutely! It is never too late to have a happy childhood or adulthood.
With counseling, you are empowered with the outcomes!
Grab the brass ring as you reach for your dreams! Stop going round & round never taking a chance to grab a new life and a (mostly) sane brain.
Hi, I’m Chip.

So what do I know about the above?
Those are all things that I’ve thought at one point or another. I am not a fresh-out-of-college counselor. You can assume I’m seasoned with experience.
Some I am grateful for, some not so much.
Battle Tested and Able to Celebrate My Scars
I have been hired, fired, laid off, and downsized in corporate America. I’ve made life changing decisions and dealt with uncertainty and fear.
Part of my life story includes being impacted directly or indirectly by divorce, grief, alcoholism, abuse, mental illness, sexual identity, and major health issues. I am a parent and have struggled and triumphed with raising my kids.
A Straight-Shooter
As one of a very few male counselors in the area, I work primarily with men. I call bull* when I
hear it. My language matches my clients, so I can be on the salty side.
I work with masculine and feminine archetypes. Artists to architects. Power lifters to power
players. Warriors to wanna-bes. Ladies to Limbaughs.
I’m a big believer in being people being authentic.
Ready to Help
Let me guide you down your path to claiming, transforming and
redeeming who you are and who you want to be.
I’ve seen the view of Hell from both sides of the gate….and I know the way out!