Counseling for Couples

Know That Something Is Wrong in the Relationship?

We were committed to each other in the beginning.

Life happened along the way but now we seem off… disconnected. At least I think we were committed and connected at one time.

Now I’m worried sick I missed something or did something wrong.

Stop! You’re second guessing yourself too much. Your anxiety is not your friend.

Happily Ever After… Is It Supposed to Be This Hard?

Our relationship hasn’t been fairy tale dreams and champagne, but I know it can be better than it has been.

I don’t think it’s too late.

I don’t think my partner has “crossed the line” with someone else. God, I hope not.

I try to talk to my partner, but I’m so fearful to ask the questions I really want answered.

I still remember the last time I tried to talk. I’d sooner talk to a door than put up with the fight.

It’s okay, you’ll re-learn how to talk and communicate. I can help.

Feeling Alone?

I’m suffering in silence.

I’m thinking negative things about myself, my partner, my… everything.

The stress of doing nothing is worse.

Conversation is minimal or escalates further driving a stake in us.

I feel like I’m competing with the world to get my partner’s attention, a sliver of time… some love. I’m trying and I’m failing.

I’m losing myself and I’m losing them.

Chill out… you’ll have them holding your hand once again… even in public!

Thinking about the Word “Hate”?

I don’t hate my partner… at least not yet.

Truthfully, I don’t ever want to hate my partner.

But I’m so hurt deep down, I don’t know how to deal.

Can you love someone so much and hate them, too?

I don’t know if I can handle these emotions arising in couples counseling. I know my partner will not be thrilled either.

Relax, anger and hurt are perfectly acceptable emotions in counseling. But so are acceptance and forgiveness! It’s worth the journey.

Isn’t Couples Counseling Expensive?

You have an investment in another human being. And vice-versa. That’s huge.

Expensive would be tossing them away without trying to recoup the reasons you became a couple.

Expensive would be turning the kids into time-share kids.

Both of you are role models for how your kids learn to cope and adapt in adversity. That’s important adulting stuff they need to learn from both of you.

Expensive would be trying to rebuild your life and circle of friends.

So, make the investment before you fork over a huge retainer to a lawyer which he/she will use for that new vacation home!

It’s Possible to Repair the Relationship?

My approach to couple counseling offers you the change to talk honestly in a safe environment.

I never met a couple who didn’t desire more intimacy and to live satisfied and happier.

My approach seeks to removes the threatening feelings of abandonment and to eliminate feelings of doubt and negativity. With my guidance you will both feel secure, desire each other again and to TRUST… yourself and your partner.

Air Our Dirty Laundry?

Why would I want to do that? I don’t want to be blamed for everything!

I totally get it! That’s a common feeling. Maybe you’ve had to accept the majority of the blame already.

I can assure you there is blame to spread around, but why focus on the negative?

Couples counseling with me focuses on your relationship.

In essence, your relationship is my client and you two are the primary players.

Taking sides doesn’t help.

However, I will call either of you out if I think the interaction is harmful or negative. You have to choose to be a friend or an enemy in your relationship.

Needless to say, negativity kills relationships. Sucks… but you both will have to be vulnerable at times.

It’s takes two to tango. It takes to two to recover.

Couples Counseling… What Kind of Couples?

Same-sex couples? Absolutely, commitment is commitment.

Unmarried couples? Absolutely, commitment is commitment.

Soon-to-be-married couples? Absolutely, commitment is commitment.

I also do pre-marriage counseling: I love to teach what makes couples endure hardships and educate what things undermine couples. My gift is the hope for a successful start for your committed relationship.

Call me at (214) 218-3767. It’s not too late and you’re never too old or hurt to love the one you loved…once more.

It’s a free 15-minute consultation.

Let’s get the honeymoon going again.