About Me

Boring Chronological Life Stuff

I was born in Oklahoma City and moved to Huntsville, AL. I was raised by both parents until they divorced, where I then became a time-share-kid between parents.

I have 2 older sisters and one legally adopted younger brother.

I attended private school then public high school. Went to college. Dropped out. Worked construction. Went back to college and graduated.

Then I moved to metro-Atlanta and got an accounting job in corporate America. Quit. Got Sober. Went to graduate school. Worked in healthcare IT…

… met a great girl, married, and had two daughters.

Moved to Texas in 1999 to work in health insurance IT. Worked in progressively demanding product management and consulting roles for the next 12 years.

I then went back to graduate school for professional counseling in 2011.

My Emotional Experience (this is the stuff I wouldn’t trade)

I have succeeded. I have failed.

As an employee, I have been hired, fired, laid off, and outsourced. As an employer, I have hired, fired, and outsourced people.

I have lost a parent.

I have watched EMS treat my kid in a car crash. I have driven behind an ambulance carrying my other kid to the hospital.

I have been crushed, redeemed and blessed. I have made great relationships. I have ended toxic relationships.

I have buried friends. I have watched a person die. I have raised a kid with dyslexia. I have raised a homo-romantic bisexual kid (LGBTQ+ if you are confused).

I have loved and been loved!

I have been present in my life.

Education and Certifications

They are hanging on my office wall.

Come in and you can gawk at them.