About Cobalt Counseling
Thinking getting in the way of your happiness?
Negative and obtrusive thoughts keep cycling round and round? Waking you up? Restless?
Focus lasts about 20 minutes before worry and uncertainty creep back in. You can ignore them but you know they’ll just come back again.
Find yourself daydreaming or spacing out in meeting—or sitting in traffic, brought back to reality in a sudden panic?
You know you aren’t paying attention, but does everybody else, too? That sinking feeling in your stomach because you know time is up.
Another exhausting evening. Something’s gotta give.
Feeling judged by others, parents… judging yourself: “There’s something wrong with me!”
You’ve got it good but something’s still not right: “I’m just not happy enough…or at all! How am I going to figure out what’s wrong in order to do anything about it?”
We’re gonna figure this thing out together.
Welcome to counseling!
First thing we need to tell you is that feelings are not right or wrong… they just are. They are primal.
We can sort through your feelings but we’re more interested in what you are thinking at the time you are feeling something good, bad, icky, painful. Then we will look at the behaviors that follow the thinking.
Chances are what you are thinking shows up in your behavior.
If you don’t think you deserve to win the lottery, you won’t buy a ticket. You’ll never win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.
To make any sort of transformative change, we need to tweak your thinking and start to celebrate your successes.
Positive Thinking… Positive Behavior… Positive Feelings… Positive Life
Talk to us. We are all ready to hear and to understand. We’ll guide you.
Take Louie, for example. Mid-twenties, failing out of college and was constantly thinking he was a loser. Subsequently, his behaviors reinforced being a loser.
He did drugs and drank to make himself feel better. Getting arrested for possession and having to call his dad from jail reinforced his thinking that he was a loser—and he knew his dad thought the same thing.
Louie doubled down on being a loser by behaving like a jerk and jester—showing the judge he was a loser, too. Having seen kids like Louie before, you judge gave him probation and recommended to him to get counseling.
Louie struggled and had difficulty following probation rules. His probation officer asked him if ever got counseling. As luck would have it, he ended up on my couch.
Louie worked hard. He completed probation. He got a good job. He got married in 2017. He was promoted in 2018. He is more confident going back to school. He’s a good man and has a strong relationship with his father.
Then there is Brandon who had a temper problem…
And Brian who came for divorce counseling but never got divorced.
And Donna who struggled with career choices.
And Mark and Mary who came for couples counseling. They were strong together except for a toxic relationship that had invaded their lives.
And Marcus who learned how to cope with his LGBTQ issues and tell his parents.
The reality is these folks did the work. I was the catalyst, facilitator, sage, and their devil’s advocate.
Counseling offers you a chance. Hope.
Their transformations all started with a phone call.
The question then is, are you going to give yourself a chance for something better?
I’ll make it easier: The first phone call is a free consultation.
Call now. (214) 218-3767