Angry and Pissed Off
Sounds Familiar?
So does this title describe your primary feeling lately or RIGHT NOW?!
Do you find you have trouble thinking because you are so freaking pissed?
Is your emotional engine check light always RED?
Our Own Worst Enemy?
Congratulations, you have tapped into to our best and worst primal feeling.
Yep, that feeling connects us to our animal spirit!
Unfortunately, seems others don’t appreciate our being mad and angry. As I said, it is our worst enemy, too.
Crossing the Line?
Anger can be a healthy expression but, if you are reading this page, you have probably already crossed over that line.
Anger unresolved causes us to act impulsively.
Anger causes outbursts that bring scrutiny upon us.
Anger causes us to lose control.
Anger at this level impacts our life and the lives of others. And not in a good way.
But I sense you already know that…
Anger Unresolved
Anger unresolved has a bad way of causing our brains to become rewired. Anger becomes our “go-to” response for anything that doesn’t go our way. Anger feeds anger responses… and that ain’t cool.
Chances are you are sitting there looking at strained or ruined relationships, problems at work, loss of friends… even legal trouble.
Anger is very unhealthy, too.
Anger for Most People Is a Learned Response
Which means it can be unlearned…
And we can learn new responses that are both effective and acceptable.
Which means there are responses (emotions and behaviors) that can be used to deal with life.
Life Is Not Always Going to Go Our Way
I’ve been pissed beyond belief, so I know what the dark-side looks like for me. I have techniques and exercises to teach you to change a “shitty day” into a day we can survive.
I cannot teach you to be patient. I’m not God. I can teach you how to recognize your impatience as something you can control.
I can teach you how to live life differently. I can teach you how to live life less stressed out.
I can even teach you conflict resolution skills without feeling like a 100-pound wimp getting sand kicked in your face.
Getting to the Roots of the Anger
Along the way, we will be looking at the root cause of your being pissed and angry.
Yes, I have worked with people who are justified in their anger… but you don’t have to live in justifiable unhappiness either.
Being pissed off and angry has roots… in our parents, in our life choices, in toxic relationships, in addictions… in our shame and in our fears.
Freedom Awaits You
If you want a new way of living… a new way of thinking… a new way of being… then call me for a
free consultation: (214) 218-3767.
If you don’t like what I have to offer, I will gladly refund your misery… and the world can deal with you.
Your freedom is waiting. Call Now.