Being Sober and In-Recovery
Feeling out of control?
Drugs and/or alcohol part of the problem?
Are work, relationships, money, and… life… part of the problem, too?
We’re all “afflicted” with life, but for some of us, it’s different…
Some of us aren’t capable of dealing with life on life’s terms… without self-medicating.
Wondering if you have a problem?
If you are sitting there thinking you might have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol…
You do.
… because “normal” people don’t sit around asking that question.
Thinking of a Way Out?
Does every day feel as though the gates of Hell are holding you in?
I know the way out. Yep, I do.
So, you know the way in… and I know the way out.
We should work together.
Notice the title of this web page… “Being Sober & In-Recovery.”
It does not say “Getting Sober.”
Only you can get yourself sober. You have to truly want it from the bottom of your pitiful existence.
I cannot get you sober.
If you need to go to treatment to get sober, do that first. Then give me a call.
Sober is a way of life, but only if you have the guts for it.
Being sober is a way of living. It is meant to be permanent.
If you are not willing to live a sober life, I’m not the counselor you need.
Getting sober gives you a chance… being sober gives you a chance at a future.
Living sober is a whole new life… a whole new way of thinking and a whole new way of behaving.
My Counseling Approach
Being sober means you are willing to do some really hard work.
It’s going to be uncomfortable.
It’s going to make you vulnerable.
And, I’m probably going to piss you off at some point.
If you don’t want what I have to offer, I will gladly refund your misery.
What about God? It’s your choice.
In the work we do together…
You may come to understand God.
You may reconnect with the God you lost years ago.
You may reject God.
As long as you don’t think you ARE God, we can work together.
I make no promises.
You may not get your family back if you lost them.
You may not get your job or career back if you trashed it.
You also may get everything you desire… and more… IF you do the work.
I’m really only interested in working with people who want a new life without dependence on drugs and alcohol.
If you don’t want it deeply, I cannot help you.
Unchain yourself!
Put down your dependency…
Call me for a consultation.
This will be one of the most honest calls you will ever have.
Don’t call if you cannot handle it.
But call now before you get drunk or use again: (214) 218-3767