Divorced… or Thinking about It?
Helping You Survive at Any Stage of the Relationship
Yes, we do post-divorce counseling.
Yes, we do pre-divorce counseling.
We also do counseling during divorces.
We definitely prefer relationships to last forever, but the reality is some don’t—for lots of reasons.
The Crisis Phase: “I’m Coming Unglued”
Feeling weak inside and falling apart.
Never wanted to be here.
Wondering how could things go so wrong? Questioning who you are?
Feeling everything and feeling nothing. Looking for a way out.
Looking for something or someone to fix your life.
The Raw Emotions of Grief
Did you know that getting divorced or contemplating divorce is the second most stressful event you will ever experience?
Of course, you did, why else would you be reading this web page? (FYI, the death of a spouse or significant other is number one).
Nope, killing your partner is not a viable solution, either.
Well, you are grieving the end of huge part of your life that once meant everything!
The raw intensity of what you are feeling is… normal. It sucks.
It just does. I don’t have a magic pill for you, either.
Claim Your Self-Worth Once Again
My hope is to give you hope.
I cannot tell you it won’t hurt, either. That’s not the reality of divorce.
People get hurt. As anger and heartache arise, we will learn to deal with it.
You will learn to cope with feelings that overwhelm you. We will find new ground upon which to steady yourself. You will survive.
The Adjustment Phase: From Lost and Confused to Empowered and Renewed
Wondering where the bottom of the thoughts and feeling is? Wish you could snap your fingers and be done with it! It’s not going to suck forever.
Together we will learn to respect your new situation. With the right help you will learn to ride the emotional waves.
One day at a time, one step at a time. You will survive.
My Counseling Approach…
… is to help you through the process and help you cope with your new reality.
I will listen to your story. I will be our guide in exploring your thoughts and feelings. Together we will make sense of them.
We can explore behaviors that supported the relationship, as well as those that might not have helped.
This will help you prepare for the future.
We can explore to some extent you partner’s issues, too. But the reality is that we are not responsible for them and their actions. They are.
Bitch sessions are only good for venting frustrations. Not for building your future.
We can look at past relationships. Are there patterns you are repeating? Were there any yellow or red flags in the relationship you might have missed?
Above all, we will towards new ways of living, loving, and learning for you. So, whatever the outcome, you will continue to be healthy, functional person.
Understanding your story helps put the relationship to rest and moves you to forward.
The New Beginnings Phase: Being the New You
Think your future is limited? Let’s explore it. You might surprise yourself.
The goal of our time together is to help you progress from grieving the lost relationship towards the hope of a renewed future–a future filled with possibilities for you and your family.
Our work together in this phase is to ensure that you find your post-divorce identity – making sure you don’t get stuck.
Divorce Is Not WHO You Are…
… it is what you SURVIVED.
Work on forgiving yourself for the demise of the relationship.
But also work on forgiving your significant other. Forgiveness is the key to a healthy mindset.
There is treasure in your future. Your work is to find the clues and follow the path. There is happiness in the journey.
Our Commitment: No Hurting
Part of our work together will be a commitment not to hurt any kids, friends, or families.
Nobody deserves to be hurt.
Divorce sucks. There is no reason to suck the life out of everyone else. They are hurting, too.
Let’s Talk…
… about where you can best be supported.
Divorce is a life-changing event—sometimes not of our choosing. A total surprise. Something needed a long time ago.
Whatever your story is, it can be done with grace and caring.
It won’t be easy or simple, but how you experience your divorce makes a difference in your healing—and in your ability to move forward.
I’m ready to start the healing process with you today.
Let’s talk. Call for a free consultation: (214) 218-3767