LGBTQ+ Counseling
I’m having feelings… I might be gay or bi or pan… or whatever.
But I don’t really know. I’m so scared what my friends will think. I’m super scared what my parents will say.
I’m scared, I’m terrified.
I don’t want to be judged. I want to be left alone. I need to figure this out myself.
But I’ve been holding these feelings in for so long, I’m gonna scream.
Where, when, what, why, how… I am so confused.
But I’m starting to make sense finally. I get me now!
Coming out? I’d rather just be left alone.
I’m not coming out! I’m letting people in.
I am who I have always been. It’s everybody else assuming who I am. Frankly, it’s their problem.
But things have changed, right? I mean, the world is more accepting, right?
But I’m still terrified.
If I have to come out to my parents, I’m gonna lose my shit!
All my instincts say to run… run… run and hide. Go somewhere where nobody knows me.
But it’s my child!
…or maybe I’m the one struggling.
My biggest fear is that my child will have a difficult life not being straight.
I even struggle on what to call them. I cannot suffer any more awkward conversations with them about their life choice.
I know I’m supposed to be open-minded and accepting but it’s MY CHILD!
I’m supposed to be there to protect them. And I will be there to protect them gay or not!
But what did I do wrong?
I just need help—someone to help me navigate something I never thought I would have to do. I know my family needs help, too.
We are all hurting….confused and lost.
Parents, I get it… TOTALLY!
As a parent, you will survive. I did. And so did my wife.
I am the proud parent of a thriving lesbian daughter. I even walked her down the aisle at her wedding in 2018. Cried my butt off. Yep, we all survived.
The things I felt and learned along the way turned out to be magical.
My journey didn’t start that way. I was scared for her, too. She was scared for me. We learned to lean onto each other.
The relationship we forged together was _____ (when I find the right word someday, I’ll fill in the blank).
The psycho-babble you are experiencing is akin to grief.
The child you thought you had no longer exists.
You are having feelings of denial, anger, etc.
But I can help you embrace the new child you do have.
A treasure awaits you! I found mine.
How I work with LGBTQ+ issues…
I use acceptance and affirmative counseling.
Why accept? Because rejection is just plain stupid.
We affirm the present, we affirm the future.
We learn to process feelings and develop skills the deal with the issues.
Above all, we love our family unconditionally.
What the heck do I do with all these feelings?
Good news… you feel them. Bad news… you feel them.
Being gay or thinking you might be doesn’t exclude you from feeling things. Congratulations, you are normal.
You are not crazy; you are growing up and growing out.
I’m honored to accompany you on the journey. I can be your guide for self-exploration. Together, we will develop the tools to deal with your fears and anxiety.
Your child needs you, and I’ve got your back.
I’ll be your guide on your journey with your child.
Don’t discount your experience as a parent. It just the terms have changed and you weren’t prepared.
Call me. I cannot wait to meet you.